Elder scrolls online action bar
Elder scrolls online action bar

Every class has 3 skill lines which further define their play style. You can take a look at full skill lines for each of the class in our guides: Nightblade, Templar, Dragonknight, Sorcerer.

  • Class Skill Lines – also mentioned above, class skill lines are obtained automatically simply by picking a class.
  • All skills here are passive ones and don’t provide any extreme bonuses, which are fairly negligible in the long run, but if you want to maximize your character’s effectiveness you might want to compare racial bonuses.
  • Racial Skill Lines – as mentioned you gain access to a particular race’s skill line by simply choosing a race for your character.
  • Below we’ll take a brief look into various skill lines and explain where you get them! Every other skill line can be unlocked by all classes, either by joining an NPC guild or by exploring the world.

    elder scrolls online action bar

    The 4 basic ones are defined by your choice of class and race: every class has three distinct skill lines that can’t be otherwise obtained, and every race has its own set of racial bonuses.

    elder scrolls online action bar

    Your character has access to many different skill lines. Skill lines are essentially skill trees as you’d expect to see in an RPG game: as your character progresses through the game you gain skill points which are allocated to particular skills to be able to use them or improve their effectiveness. We briefly touched on the topic of skill lines in our article about character progression and class guides, but it’s time to explain the system in more detail.

    Elder scrolls online action bar