Rare weapons fallout new vegas
Rare weapons fallout new vegas

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This new outlook on life forces players into a dangerous open world, where giant radioactive creatures roam the countryside, and raiders, slavers, supermutants, and ghouls vie for control of territory and resources. Thanks to the intervention of strange robot and a friendly doctor, gamers survive this apparent death sentence with nothing more than amnesia and an intense desire for exploration and retribution.

rare weapons fallout new vegas

Players begin their New Vegas saga as a simple courier who is inexplicably shot in the head and unceremoniously left to die in a shallow Mojave grave. And while ostensibly a sequel to Bethesda's epic action RPG that found gamers exploring the wastelands on a hunt for their altruistic father, Fallout: New Vegas chooses to spin a classic tale of revenge befitting the "sinful" nature of the town that is its locus. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment (known primarily for its competent stewardship of BioWare's Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic franchises), Fallout: New Vegas draws inspiration from all of its forebears, offering a Western setting and factions reminiscent of Fallout and Fallout 2, while retaining the gameplay mechanics and graphics of Fallout 3.

  • Gamers return to the post-apocalyptic frontier for more hardscrabble living and darkly comic violence in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • I wouldn't be worried about weapon variety in Fallout 4. If this is true for even just 20 of the "base weapons" mentioned, then there would easily be over 100 different variations unique enough to be called their own kind of weapon. are all just variants of the laser pistol.

    rare weapons fallout new vegas

    It may be that the Laser Pistol shown in the trailer counts as one base weapon, and the laser rifle, laser shotgun, laser assault rifle, etc. So it seems that Fallout 4 will indeed have less weapons than the other 2 fallout games, however, what a "base weapon" was wasn't really defined. And keep in mind this is without Gun Runner's Arsenal or any of the DLC. I saw some people complaining about Fallout 4 only having 50 base weapons so I decided to count how many non-DLC weapons there were in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.įor a total of 53 normal weapons and 40 unique variants (which are basically reskins with different stats)įor a total of 106 normal weapons and 41 unique variants.

    Rare weapons fallout new vegas